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Hotdog Water started as a single hardcore vanilla minecraft server. The hardcore server is still the main server and purpose of Hotdog Water. Along with the main hardcore server we also offer two others that cater to different playstyles.
Hotdog Water Hardcore is a 1.21 public vanilla hardcore Minecraft server. The server is strictly vanilla, with only minor cosmetic and moderation-supporting changes made to the base game.
Hardcore means if you die, you're dead. You don't get a temporary death-ban and your friends can't do anything to revive you. You're dead until the world resets. And if you want the world to reset, you can join the discord to vote for reset.
The hardcore Hotdog Water server is semi-anarchy. That means that killing, griefing, and stealing are all allowed. But cheating and explointing are not. To understand what is allowed on Hotdog Water servers, read the rules
Hotdog Water Survival is a 1.21 vanilla survival Minecraft server. Just like with the hardcore server, minimal changes are made to the base game. Survival is also sem-anarchy and the same rules apply.
Hotdog Water firmly believes that hardcore Minecraft is the best Minecraft gamemode. However, not everyone is great at hardcore Minecraft. That doesn't mean they shouldn't play, but it does mean they might die sometimes.
Hotdog Water Survival gives these members somewhere to go while they wait for the Hardcore world to reset.
Hotdog Water Veterans is a 1.21 whitelisted vanilla hardcore Minecraft server. As with Hardcore, Veterans has world resets based on a vote held on discord. The only difference is that Veterans is whitelisted.
Some members of the Hotdog Water community that were more skilled at hardcore Minecraft wanted a server where worlds would last much longer.
We started Hotdog Water because we couldn't find anything else quite like it. Eric (jaer01) and I (JakeLaMtn) have been playing hardcore Minecraft together for as long as it's existed. We used to take turns on a shared world on my laptop. And when Eric got his own PC we would play together on LAN. If either one of us died, that was it. We reset the world.
Hotdog Water is meant to give you an experience like that: playing minecraft together on a shared world. Having more than two players complicates things a bit, but the sense of community and endless possibilites make it worth it.
The Hotdog Water discord is an essential part of the server. Most importantly, it allows you to vote for or against world resets. Because Hotdog Water Hardcore is actually hardcore, this is the only way to play again if you die.
And because world resets are based on a vote, there's no knowing exactly how long it will be before a reset. If you join the discord you can subscribe to notifications of world resets. That way you can always join worlds when they're fresh!
Have you been having fun on Hotdog Water's hardcore minecraft server? Are you looking for a way to contribute? If so, there are a few things you can do.
The first and most important thing is also the easiest. Just play hardcore minecraft and have fun. Playing on the server and having a good time encourages other people to do the same. And that's what it's all about, really.
If you're already having as much fun as you can, and would like to do more to make Hotdog Water the best hardcore vanilla Minecraft server, you can vote! Voting on Minecraft server list websites helps others discover Hotdog Water. Plus, voting lets you set your in-game name to one of Minecrafts default text colors.
If you've done all of that, and you still want to do even more, you might consider supporting us on ko-fi. This is greatly appreciated, but not required. The main Hotdog Water Hardcore server always has and always will be free. But giving us monetary support does get you a few fun perks, like an even fancier in-game nickname and access to our pay-to-lose commands.